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Class 3

Welcome to Class 3!

The year 3 teachers are Mrs Parsons, Mrs Thomas and the LSA is Mrs Ponting. 


PE will be on Tuesday and Thursday every week. Please can children come into school in their PE Kit.


Please can children bring in a water bottle and healthy snack everyday please.


To see what we have been learning, please follow @MrsParsonsSmtv or @SMTVCardiff on twitter! 

If you need to contact me please do so via email:



Summer Term


This term Year 3 are exploring the habitats in our school environment and working towards our Bronze award with the RSPB.


To start our enquiry we visited Cardiff Wetlands Centre and completed some of our own observations in our school environment.


We have been looking at our right to an education by using continuous provision both indoors and outdoors to support and enhance our learning to become more independent learners.



Our right of the term is the right to practice a faith.  This week we were able to visit St Mary’s Church to take part in Mass and and also children were able to take part in Muslim Assembly.  This is a special time for our children as they can worship beside their peers in a safe place.


Eisteddfod 2022


Year 3 and year 2 celebrated this year with their own Eisteddfod to celebrate our learning from this term.  Each class competed in a handwriting, art, poetry recital and dancing competition.


We had a great day, here are our winners from Class 3 from the art and handwriting competitions.

Art Competition 

After exploring different coats of arms we decided that we would design one for our art competition of what Wales meant to us.  Here our 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.


Handwriting Competition

Children learnt a welsh poem as part of their class recital.  We chose ‘Glaw’ as we were learning all about the weather.  Here are the winners.










Spring Term


This term we have been storytelling and creatively retelling Welsh Tales and Myths.  We have had a visit from Mr Urdd and we are now world record holders as we took part singing 'Hei Mr Urdd' to celebrate the Urdd's 100th Birthday.  



Autumn Term 


This focus for our learning this term is 'What Makes Me Special?' linked to the story 'The Koala Who Could' by Rachel Bright.




We will be updating our Class page weekly so please keep checking back to see what wonderful learning we have been doing!

Week beginning 6th September 
This week we have been getting used to our new classroom, routines and rules.  We have been choosing our class needs and rights of the child, practicing our maths skills, learning about why our bodies are special and so much more! We have had a great start to the term especially with our outdoor learning. 



