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Home School Learning


Welcome to the home school learning experience. Every week I will be putting a weekly plan on here for you to complete so that you can continue your learning while school is closed. There is a literacy and a maths activity every day and a topic activity once a week. 

I will be including instructions and internet links to videos and learning aids to help you. All you have to do is click on the link to access them.

Any work set on the website can be recorded in your workbooks with the date but some of it will be practical.  

Remember ... Keep learning!


If you want to send me an email telling me what wonderful things you have been doing my email address is 


I would love to hear from you all and will check my emails every day.

I have also set up a google classroom for us to chat on which you should have all had an invite to via schoop with a guide to setting it all up with your user name and password that you had on the last day in an envelope.


Week 9 - Home Learning - The Everywhere Bear

Week 7 Home Learning - 18/5/20 - Norman and his Silly Shell

Week 6 Home Learning - 11/5/20 - The Bad Tempered Ladybird

It has been lovely seeing some of the fantastic work that is being done. We are all missing you and seeing how much you are blossoming keeps our spirits up. Don't forget to join our google classroom you can send messages to me and your friends to keep in touch.

Week 5 - 4/5/20 - The Very Busy Spider

Week 4 - 27/4/20 - The Very Hungry Caterpillar

   H A P P Y  E A S T E R


 Hope you all enjoy the holidays, I thought I would set you a small fun challenge to do with your family. You could all have a go and see who can find the most items.


 A scavenger hunt around your house, can you find 1 or 2 items beginning with each letter that is in the words HAPPY EASTER?


  eg  H - hat

        A - apple

        P - pen


 Hope you have fun finding all the different objects. Stay safe and hope you enjoy spending time having fun with your families over the next 2 weeks.  Week 3's planning will be up on Monday 20th April. Remember you are all superstars!


  Mrs Webb



Week 2 31/3/20 - Easter Rabbits

Croeso Y Dosbarth Derbin

Working in Reception Class are Mrs Webb, Miss Wills and Miss Dillan


PE days: Tuesday  AM (indoor) and Friday (outdoor)  Please make sure that your child's PE kit is brought in on a Monday ready for the week.


Spring Term

Our topic this term is Stories and Tales


We will be exploring a range of stories and the children will be working on making their own story book based on the character Harry and His Bucketful of Dinosaurs.

We will also be preparing for our Saint David's Day Eisteddfod. We will be exploring Welsh castles, traditional food, dance and stories!


We will be going on an adventure to the Museum to help the children build on their experiences to help with their story writing.

Autumn Term

We were looking at The Rugby World Cup and Starlight.

The children enjoyed learning how to play a range of ball skills especially tag rugby.

We delved into what a light source is and sorting a range of light sources and how they help us see in the dark.


Our Trip to the Tabernacle
