Home Page

Class 4

Croeso i Dosbarth 4

Welcome to our class page.

Your teacher this year is Mrs Davies, supported by Mrs Ford and Miss Abutair.


Don’t forget our parent engagement tomorrow Friday 12th July at 9.30 can’t wait to show you all the work Class 4 have been doing! 

Summer Term


Our topic this half term is Cardiff Bay Explorers! We will be finding out about the history of Cardiff Bay and the explorer Captain Scott. A visitor will be coming into school to talk to the children about Cardiff Bay in 1910, who Captain Scott was and his successes! 


We we will be visiting Captain Scott tributes around Cardiff including the Captain Scott waterfront museum, the Roath Park lighthouse and Captain Scott memorial. 

Fantastic visit to the library today! Don’t forget the launch of the Summer Reading challenge is Saturday 13th July! 
Fantastic day playing Tag Rugby. Well done Year 4! 
Think Globally, Act Locally!

A big thank you to the Captain Scott society!


We really enjoyed your visit to our school, we learnt so much about Captain Scott and his expedition to Antarctica. We are looking forward to inviting our visitor and our parents to listen to our presentations about Captain Scott to celebrate Saint Mary the Virgin Church in Wales 175th Anniversary! 

We painted rocks to represent us and added them to the worship garden. 

Easter Homework

Can you be a Cardiff Bay explorer and complete one of the following pieces of homework to earn 5 Dojo points!enlightened


We went on a visit to Cardiff Bay as a stimulus for our new topic 'Cardiff Bay Explorers'. We took a tour on the water bus it was a fantastic experience take a look at our photographs! smiley 

Spring Term

Happy New Year!

Welcome back to school.smiley


This term we are learning 'All About Wales!'

We will be drawing maps and locating places in Wales. We will be researching Welsh castles and food.

We will be designing, making and selling our own Welsh product as part of a 'Dragons Den' enterprise project and will be inviting you into school to see what we have made. 


This Saint David's Day is during half term so we will be having our Eisteddfodd on Thursday February 21st!  We will be taking part in the Welsh dance, Welsh recital, handwriting and painting competition. Don't forget our home task to make a model with a Welsh theme we can't wait to see your entries this year!  

We made delicious Welsh Cakes in our enterprise groups! In our groups we modified a basic recipe to cook our own unique flavoured Welsh Cakes. We sold the Welsh Cakes to make more money for Sustrans!  

Our 'Big Pedal' class assembly is on Thursday 28th March at 9.15 we looking forward to seeing you! 


What a fantastic class assembly! Well done to class 4 and a big thank you to all the parents who came to watch we appreciate all your support! 🙂


Look out for photographs of the Big Pedal superhero day on Thursday 4th April. Don't forget your costume! 





We designed bike helmets for our Big Pedal class assembly!

Science Week

We made mini-water cycle gardens.

We put our mini-water cycle gardens outside on a sunny day. Look what happened! 
We worked hard at home creating our Saint David's Day models! 

First snowfall of 2019 we made a snowman, and had great fun!

Today in forest school we made rafts, then we tested them to see if they would float.

We went in the garden and created pictures, using natural materials we found.



Autumn Term

This term we will be learning about Africa.

We are really excited and looking forward to our visit from Animal Encounters to take a closer look at some exotic African creatures.

Look out for our Photo's !


Thank you for all the parents who came to our parent engagement afternoon! We had a fantastic creative afternoon making African drums and shakers. Thank you for all your lovely comments about your child's work they were lovely to read and share with the children. Look at what we made! 

We have been busy learning about African meerkats, patterns and designs. We learnt how to weave. Take a look at our designs on our display boards.

We had some unusual visitors.
