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Class 6

Croeso i Ddosbarth 6!

Welcome to Class 6!


Welcome back to a new year at St Mary's, I hope you have all had a lovely break and a well deserved rest! Our topic this term is 'Save The Planet', keep checking back to our class page for information and updates. 



Save the Planet


Here you will find lots of information about what we will be covering in Year 6 this term, which is all linked to the topic of 'Save the Planet'.  Children will be given the opportunity to visit local areas, to explore their local environment, and using a wide range of sources children will be investigating man-made and natural features from their local area and the wider world.  The children have already started to investigate how they impact the world by calculating their carbon footprints and contributing to discussions of how they can make a big difference by making small changes.  There will be plenty more of this coming soon as the children make big steps to becoming global citizens.


There is plenty of research you can be doing in school and at home - have a look at the activities below and see if you are Eco-Friendly!



P.E Days


The children's P.E days will be Tuesday, indoor, and Friday, outdoor.  Please could the children bring their P.E kit in a bag to change




Homework will be sent home on a Friday and to returned on a Monday.  The homework will be sent home in a blue folder along with  thier reading book and book bag.  Please can children complete homework and could an adult listen to them read.  All of this will really benefit the children's learning and help them during Year 6. no



This week during creative week we have had lots of fun in Year 6.  We have been learning about the story of 'Moses in the Bullrushes' through
creative arts, drama, D.T and much more!  Have a look at some of our work below!  



Here is what some of the children in Class 6 have thought!


"I enjoyed painting the Egyptian necklaces, I liked that we could design and create our own pattern."


"I loved the colors of the wool we used for the water"


"The sewing was great fun because it was interesting and enjoyable."


"I liked sticking the different materials to create textures for the basket."
