Summer 1 - Hot and Cold Places
Spring 1 Plants and Animals
This half term we will be learning about the Plants and animals that we may find in different habitats including those found in our gardens. Class One will also be designing a wheelbarrow for the RHS show in April based around the Topic of Homes, Habitats and Hideaways.
We have been reading the story of Jack and the Bean stalk. We have been using our maths skills to measure leaves and bean stalks and our literacy skills to retell and write the story. We have planted our own runner bean seeds and we are watching them grow daily.
What do you think a plant needs to grow healthily?
Spring 1 - People who Help us in Butetown
Our topic this half term is 'People who Help us' .
Happy New Year from Class One! Please look at our curriculum overview to find out what we will be learning.
We will be exploring the buildings that we have in our local area and who we might find there.
Who helps you in your local area? The Shop assistant, doctors, police, bus driver, fire service or the vet?
Autumn 2 - Old and New Toys
This half term we will be exploring and investigating Old and New Toys.
Autumn 1 Ourselves and Our Senses
We will be learning about what makes us special and individual.
We will be investigating our 5 senses and how we use them; taste testing, going on a sound hunt etc.
Welcome to Year One!
Our teacher this year is Miss Thomas and our teaching assistants are Miss Wills. We are looking forward to starting our learning in Year One and all of the exciting activities that we have planned for the year ahead.
Please can you give your child one item of healthy food such as fruit as their snack and a bottle of water each day.
Blue bags must be returned every Monday with your child's homework and reading book inside.
Many Thanks
Class One team