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Welcome to Reception.

Your class teacher's are Mrs Davies and Miss Crompton, and support staff are Miss Atkins, Mrs Ford and Miss Gauder.

We are looking forward to an exciting year,lots of learning, fun, activities and trips.smiley







Summer Term 2

This is the last term of this year, it has gone by so fast.

We  have a busy term ahead of us with lots of exciting things to look forward to:

Our annual Sports Day is  just around the corner.

We have A fun packed 'Creative week' at the end of this month.

We also have our end of year class trip, which we are looking forward to.

This Term our topic is 'MINIBEASTS', we are learning about lots of different tiny creatures and their habitats.

The book we we are reading is The Bad Tempered Ladybird, the class just love this story. We have made masks of the animals from the story, and we are going to re-tell the story using them. 


We made ladybirds out of strawberries and blueberries and had them at snack time. They were delicious!

We are developing a pond and wildlife garden in a tuff spot to encourage mini beasts into our play area so we can watch them.

We have had a very busy and exciting Creative Week.

Summer Term 1

Welcome back after a lovely two week break for the Easter holidays. We are hoping this term will be sunny and hot, as we have lots of activities planned for outside and the garden area.

This term our topic is Journeys, and we are looking at various modes of transport. We are hoping to go on some forms of transport on a trip, which is to be arranged soon.

We have a travel agents set up in our role play corner, and we are reading the book 'The snail and the Whale'. We enjoyed developing our tuft spot while retelling this story.


The Snail and the Whale

Spring Term 2

We are looking forward to some nicer weather so that we can explore the garden, and see the changes that are taking place out there.

Our topic this term is 'Growth and Change' and we are going to watch how plants and animals change through different stages in their life cycles.

World Book Day

We read 'Jasper's Beanstalk' for World Book Day. We had lots of fun, we planted a bean, we sang a song and performed to it, we also dressed up and made masks. We really enjoyed the story. smiley

Spring Term 1

Happy New Year!!smiley

Welcome back to another exciting term in Reception. Our topic this term is 'Dinosaurs'.

We are looking forward to learning lots of interesting facts about these prehistoric creatures.

How they sourced their food, their habitat and why they became extinct.

We are also going on a trip to Cardiff Museum to see the Dinosaur Exhibition. 



Curriculum overview Spring 1

Autumn Term 2

This term our topic is 'Starlight'.

Lots of exciting things to look forward to in this term, dates to follow :-

Children in Need

Christmas Fayre

Foundation Phase Nativity Concert.



Reception dressed up to raise money for Children in Need
