The Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (2018) Act Wales
Below you will find lots of helpful graphics, information and video links to information to help you as parents to understand what ALN is and how we work in St Mary’s to support pupils with ALN.
The Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (2018) Act Wales provides a new statutory framework for supporting learners with additional learning needs (ALN), and is accompanied by a mandatory Code which makes sure that the new system has a set of clear, legally enforceable parameters within which schools, local authorities and other partners responsible for the delivery of services to learners with ALN must act. The aim of the new approach, as stated in the Code is as follows:
To support the creation of a fully inclusive education system where all learners are given the opportunity to succeed and have access to an education that meets their needs and enables them to participate in, beneft from, and enjoy learning
The new statutory framework is underpinned by the following 5 principles:
1. A rights-based approach where the views, wishes and feelings of the learner and their parents/carers are central to the planning and provision of support, enabling them to participate as fully as possible in the decision-making processes and have the right to challenge decisions about ALN, additional learning provision .
2. Early identifcation, intervention and efective transition planning where needs are identifed and provision put in place at the earliest opportunity and where appropriate interventions are put in place to prevent the development or escalation of ALN.
3. Collaboration where services work together to ensure ALN are identifed early and appropriate co-ordinated support is put in place to enable learners to achieve positive expectations, experiences and outcomes.
4. Inclusive education supporting participation fully in mainstream education, wherever, feasible and a whole setting approach to meeting the needs of learners with ALN.
5. A bilingual system where all reasonable steps are taken to deliver additional learning provision in Welsh.