Croeso i Blwyddyn 2!
Teacher: Mr Darlington
TA's: Miss Hassan and Miss Wills
P.E. Days: Tuesday and Wednesday
Please follow our Year 2 journey on twitter with either @_MrDarlington or @SMTVCardiff
Please bring a PE kit to school at the start of the week for the children to change into on our allocated days. They can then take it home at the end of the week!
We are a healthy school and children are allowed to bring a healthy snack everyday, such as a piece of fruit.
In addition water bottles should be brought to school daily, we ask that they are filled with water only.
Thank you.
The Central Idea for our Spring Term is:
'The properties of materials influence the design of structures .'
Pupils will be designing a suitable park for their area - justifying the materials they are made from.
Class Needs
We also had a thorough discussion about the types of 'needs' Year 2 feel are important to be successful this year.
Our Top 5 Class Needs are;
A Sense of Humour
These were the Top 6 'Rights' which were voted for by the class. (we were allowed one extra this year)
Article 14
You have the right to practise your own religion, as long as you're not stopping people from enjoying their rights.
Article 19
You have the right to be protected from being hurt or badly treated.
Article 24
You have the right to clean water, healthy food, a clean environment and good healthcare.
Article 28
You have the right to an education
Article 31
You have the right to relax and play.