Happy Home Learning!
Below you will find links to home learning PDF documents.When you click on this you will see a five day plan of learning activities for you to do with your child.
Children's work can be recorded in the work books we provided. Remember to write the date each day.
Your child will need some help and support to complete the activities.
If you want to send me an email to ask a question or tell me about the lovely things you have been doing my email address is;
I would love to hear from you!
Our tables are now our Islands
We have given them names!
Under the Sea Pictograms
Colourful Rainbow Fish
Well done class 1, you have been so busy completing excellent work this week. I have given out j2stars out for amazing minibeast sentence presentations, minibeast pictures, playdough snails and slugs, repeating snail shell patterns and interesting snail facts!
As a class we have earned 229 j2stars, wow! Keep up the hard work!
Creative Creatures of the Garden Work
Repeating Snail Shell Patterns
Welcome back Class 1!
I hope you had a lovely half term holiday and enjoyed playing in the sunshine!
Well done class 1 on all your fantastic work this half-term!
Have a lovely half-term holiday!
I have posted an 'Oxford Owl' reading assignment for over half-term in our HWB classroom. I have also attached a lovely summer scavenger hunt that you might want to do with your family over half-term.
Our wind poems
Good morning class 1 hope you had a lovely Bank Holiday weekend!
Today (Monday) is going to be a very windy day perfect for your science experiment! I will have a go today and share my results with you in our google classroom! 🌬
New Weekly Spellings! WB 12-05-20 'w' words
Have a go at this weeks spelling test and earn 5 j2stars! ⭐️
Log on to HWB J2easy go to J2blast and click on Spell Blast!
Click on the shark (click here) and go to shared tests. I have shared 'w' spellings and week 2 and 3 with you. Take the test, can you spell the words?
I will update the tests each week, keep practising!
You can also practise the phase 3 words on spell blast if you want to practise more! Go live if you want to play against others!
Don't Forget!
Log on to HWB J2easy and click on j2stars!
See if you have earned any points for completing any of the home learning tasks!
I have given out lots of reward stars ⭐️ for marvellous maths, super spelling and dazzling dandelion sketches well done, class 1!
Our Dandelion Sketches
We had a busy week making frog models and writing about frogs!
We all received 5 j2stars for all our hard work!
Hello Class 1, Welcome Back!
I hope you and your family had a lovely Easter break!
Here are the activities for the week beginning Monday 20th April.
I hope you have fun completing the tasks.
Have a Lovely Easter Holiday! 🐣
Well done on all your hard work this term Class 1!
Hope you all have a lovely Easter holiday. Stay safe and enjoy the sunshine! ☀️
Weekly Spellings!
Log on to HWB J2e go to J2blast and click on Spell Blast!
Click on the shark (click here) and go to shared tests. I have shared week 2 spellings with you. Take the test, can you spell the words?
I will update the tests each week, keep practising!
You can also practise the phase 3 words on spell blast if you want to practise more! Go live if you want to play against others!
Have you checked our HWB classroom? Can you solve the weekly number problem?
Check the j2stars on HWB to see if you have earned any points for completing any of the home learning tasks!
I have given out lots of reward stars ⭐️ for fantastic flowers and super spelling, well done class 1!
I hope you all enjoyed working on the home learning tasks last week!
I can see lots of children have had fun playing the Active Learn game. Don't forget you can play the games again once you have completed them by logging onto Active Learn and going to My Library.
Here is the planning for Week 2 home learning tasks. I can't wait to see all your work!
Croeso Dosbarth 1!
Working in Class 1 is Mrs Davies and Mrs Pointing
PE days: Tuesday (indoor) and Wednesday (outdoor)
Spring Term
Our topic this term is My Wales, Your Wales, Our Wales.
We will be exploring Wales now and in the past and preparing for our Saint David's Day Eisteddfod. We will be immersing ourselves in all things Welsh! Exploring Welsh castles, traditional food, dance and stories!
We will be visiting shops in our local area and we will also be visiting Saint Fagan's meseumn comparing Welsh shops in the past to now.
Autumn Term
Our topic this half term was The Rugby World Cup!
We had fun learning to play tag rugby! We found out about the kit needed to play rugby and the fruit and vegetables we must eat to be healthy just like the Welsh rugby players!
We we read the story Olivers Vegtables and The Giant Turnip and cooked our own vegetable soup to share with our community.