Monday 13th July
Hello Year 6. This is the FINAL week of Home Learning.
I look forward to seeing those pupils who come in for the final week of term.
This weeks main focus in literacy/topic is Reflecting on the Year.
Maths will be recapping temperature and fractions
I will also be adding some information from high schools on the google classrooms - so go check that out!
Don't forget there are games every week on the Active Learn Website for you to have fun with!
The links for google classroom and active learn can still be found below.
Also 'BBC Bitesize' have also been adding daily lessons - why not have a go using the link below.
If you need to get in touch with me about any of the work or if you need some help please email me or you can message me through google classroom . I will check my emails everyday.
My email address is:
Easter Revision Websites
Croeso i Dosbarth Chwech
Class Teacher: Mr Darlington Teaching Assistant: Mrs Harris
1:1 Support Staff: Miss Moger and Mrs Kazemian
Our PE days are Monday (indoor) and Thursday (Outdoor).
Please ensure that PE kit and Book Bags are brought to school every Monday.
KS2 Rugby Tournament
Spring Topic:
'Inventors, Innovators and Imaginators'
This term we are learning all about significant inventions made throughout history and the impact they had.
To get our imaginations going, to begin with the teachers performed a story for us, as we immersed ourselves as book characters for the day. In class we are now being inventors and developing our own creative stories.
In our Science lessons, we have looked at the environment and the impact humans have, with a focus on natural and man-made materials. We will also continue the environmental theme and focus on food chains and how they affect our world.
During topic lessons we have started our timeline adventure, focussing on the Celts, Romans and Normans so far.
We will continue our learning through different time periods including the Victorians and World Wars to investigate the inventions and significant people from those time periods.