Welcome to Year 3!
Welcome to Year 3’s page. Here you can find out all about what the children have been learning and any other information you may need related to our learning. Our class teachers are Mrs Parsons and Miss James, our LSA is Mrs Phelps. We have PE on Tuesday and Thursdays. We also have a Twitter account to keep up to date with our learning , please find us on Twitter @MrsParsonsSMTV.
If you need anything at all I can be contacted on Parsonsk14@hwbcymru.net
Weekly Round Up -
Week beginning 21st June
This week we had a visit from the Captain Scott Society and Jack Wright talked to us about the journey Captain Scott embarked upon in 1910 . We learnt lots about the journey he made setting off from Cardiff Bay - thank you for coming in to talk to us.
We also took part in the daily mile for our PE lesson.
We also took our literacy lesson outside to hunt for adjectives. It was great fun.
Weekly Round Up
Week beginning 14th June
This week was refugee week, we started our week by sharing the story ‘The Journey’ and discussing our own journeys whether they be near or far. Year 3 then had great discussions which prompted thoughtful and caring responses to those people in need of somewhere safe to live. We studied 2 children’s stories of what their life was like as refugees. We compared and contrasted our lives to those children journeys and discussed how we can help and make a difference. We made a book of welcome to year 3 for anyone new joining our class, wrote our dreams and aspirations and narrowed down items we would take if forced to leave our country.
We had a lovely, thought provoking week and I am really touched by the kindness and compassion shown by year 3.
This week we took our learning outside for maths and worked on place value of 3 digit numbers using the world around us.
We also went outside for our PE lesson to get ready for our class sports day. We competed in a traditional egg and spoon race, played pebble plop and our favourite crazy capers! We cannot wait for sports day!
Weekly Round Up -
Week beginning 7th June 2021
This week we took our zones of regulation lesson outside to decide what zone we would be in with different situations.
We also had the introduction to our context this term of ‘Journeys’. Year 3 children brought in a range of objects that were special to their families, culture and heritage and it was an absolute pleasure to share in these moments with the children.
In literacy we learnt about recounts. We read the story meerkat mail, sequenced the story and retold our own versions to our class.
We practiced the long jump and relay races ready for sports day in PE and had an online workshop from Techniquest to begin to learn about Captain Scott and his journey.
Weekly Round Up -
Week beginning 24th May
This week we have been taking part in our DT project to design and make a rollercoaster - we couldn’t test them though (something about safety) so we used a marble.
The first step was the design stage, we used a TASC wheel to help us through the different stages.
Next was the let’s do it part - we used team work, cooperation, trial and error and lots of other skills that helped us build our own rollercoasters.
After that, when they were built we were able to decorate and create an eye catching rollercoaster for our audience.
Now, for the most important part the testing and judging. It was such a great afternoon to see everyone’s rollercoasters.
we had a great week this week and a lovely way to end of our Summer 1 term. Happy holidays everyone!
Weekly Round Up -
Week beginning 17th May
Eid Mubarak to all of our families and children who celebrated Eid last week. On Monday, to celebrate this special religious festival the children dressed up in their Eid clothes, shared their experiences and had a celebration in our class. We had a lovely day celebrating, we hope you did too.
Thursday also marks international World Bee Day 🐝Year 3 took part by making bee bombs thanks to our boxes of potential from the first campus and we braved all weather to measure our sunflowers to see if they have grown 🌻.
We have also learnt how to double numbers with partitioning and played tennis in our PE lessons!
Live Google Meets – Changes from Wednesday 27th Feb
Our Google meets are changing from Wednesday 24th of February.
From Wednesday we will have 3 twenty minute lessons to introduce literacy, maths and a catch up discussion at the end of the afternoon.
The times for class 3 are below.
10.30am - Literacy
11.30am - Maths
2.30pm - Catch up - question and answer discussion about the day's work.
These sessions are 20 minutes each.
We do ask for the children to bring something to write with so a pen or a pencil and something to write on so a book or paper please!
Thank you!
Mrs Parsons and Miss James
Week beginning 08.03.2021
The planning and resources for the week beginning 08.03.2021 are below. We will be continuing our Victorian times topic for this term.
This week for Literacy we will be looking at different types of jobs children did during the Victorian times and working towards writing a diary entry. For Maths this week we are looking at subtraction and learning how to use different methods to solve subtraction problems.
Remember if you need to get in touch with us you can do this through google classroom by logging into Hwb and opening 'Google for Education' and using our Class 3 2020-2021 classroom or you can email Mrs Parsons or Miss James directly.
We will be continuing the use of Seesaw to keep in touch and I will be posting a good morning greeting to the class each day as usual with information about the day ahead.
There will be creative, mindfulness/wellbeing, science and welsh activities to get involved in this week!.
Mrs Ponting will also be continuing to read the book 'Ratburger ' by David Walliams for you to listen to on Seesaw so check that out each day.
Seesaw is a great place to upload photos of work where we can record our voices too. I'm looking forward to seeing your work and hearing your comments on your work this week.
Mrs Parsons and Miss James
Week beginning 01.03.2021
Dydd Gwyl Dewi pawb - Happy Saint David's day everyone.
The planning and resources for the week beginning 01.03.2021 are below. We will be continuing our Victorian times topic for this term.
This week for Literacy looking at hospitals in Victorian times and then looking into the life of a significant figure Mary Seacole. For Maths this week we are looking at number lines and learning how to plot numbers on number lines using a little estimation.
Remember if you need to get in touch with us you can do this through google classroom by logging into Hwb and opening 'Google for Education' and using our Class 3 2020-2021 classroom or you can email Mrs Parsons or Miss James directly.
We will be continuing the use of Seesaw to keep in touch and I will be posting a good morning greeting to the class each day as usual with information about the day ahead.
There will be outdoor, mindfulness/wellbeing, science and welsh activities to get involved in this week!.
Mrs Ponting will also be reading the book 'Ratburger ' by David Walliams for you to listen to on Seesaw so check that out each day.
Seesaw is a great place to upload photos of work where we can record our voices too. I'm looking forward to seeing your work and hearing your comments on your work this week.
Mrs Parsons and Miss James
Week beginning 22.02.2021
Welcome back!
Good morning everyone. I hope you all had a lovely week off and got plenty of rest.
The home learning for the week beginning 22.02.2021 is below with the resources for maths and literacy.
We spent a whole 4 weeks learning all about the Romans before half term and now we are going to be learning all about the Victorians.
We are going to be starting off our Victorian work with Queen Victoria this week!
This week for Maths we are going to be looking at measuring length and capacity/volume! With an added bit of estimation!
Remember if you need to get in touch with us you can do this through Google Classroom by logging into Hwb and opening 'Google for Education' and using our Class 3 classroom or you can email me directly – both Miss James and Mrs Parsons will be available this week so if you need anything it may be helpful to include us both.
We are also continuing using Seesaw to keep in touch.
A good morning greeting will be posted to the class each day as usual. There will be outdoor, mindfulness/wellbeing and science activities posted on there for you to enjoy.
Mrs Ponting will be reading the book 'Fantastic Mr Fox ' by Roald Dahl for you to listen to.
Remember Seesaw is a great way to upload photos of work or record our voices too. I'm looking forward to seeing your work and hearing your comments.
Miss James and Mrs Parsons
Week Beginning 08.02.2021
The home learning for the week beginning the 8th of February is below followed by all of the resources that you will need for Maths and Literacy!
Remember if you need to get in touch with me you can do this through google classroom by logging into HWB and opening Google for Education, you can email me directly by clicking Outlook from your hwb or you can communicate through seesaw!
I will be continuing to use Seesaw to keep in touch every day.
I will be posting a good morning greeting to the class with a break down of daily activities. There will also be activities posted on there for you to enjoy this week so check them out!
Mrs Phelps will be uploading some for you too so look out for those daily!
Mrs Ponting will also be continuing to read the book Mr Stink by David Walliams for you to listen to which will be uploaded each day this will be your final week on Mr Stink!
don't forget it is a great place to upload photos of work or record our voices too. I'm looking forward to seeing your work and hearing your comments!
See you at 10:30am every morning for our daily catch ups on Google Meets
Miss James
Week Beginning 01.02.2021
The home learning for the week beginning the 1st of February is below followed by all of the resources that you will need for Maths and Literacy!
Remember if you need to get in touch with me you can do this through google classroom by logging into HWB and opening Google for Education, you can email me directly by clicking Outlook from your hwb or you can communicate through seesaw!
I will be continuing to use Seesaw to keep in touch.
I will be posting a good morning greeting to the class each day. There will also be activities posted on there for you to enjoy this week so check them out! Mrs Phelps will be uploading some for you too.
Mrs Ponting will also be reading the book Mr Stink by David Walliams for you to listen to which will be uploaded each day!
It is a great way to upload photos of work or record our voices too. I'm looking forward to seeing your work and hearing your comments!
See you at 10:30am every morning for our daily catch ups on Google Meets
Miss James
Week Beginning 25.01.21
I have uploaded this weeks planning and resources below for you to check every day. We are looking into the Roman army and Roman soldiers this week! For maths we are looking at Place Value and Addition and Subtraction!
You have lots of extra activities this week in the topic section of the planning so make sure you check them out!
Also.. remember to check Google Classroom and Seesaw daily for activities and challenges, your Google Classroom activities will be signposted in your daily plan!
I will continue to add a morning check in on Seesaw for you.
Look out for your new book on Seesaw this week kindly read my Mrs Ponting!
if you have any questions please send me a message on Google Classroom, Seesaw or email!
what ever is easier for you and I will reply as soon as possible!
Miss James
Week Beginning 18.01.21
Hello Class 3
I have added the home learning for the Week Beginning 18.01.21 below along with all the resources you will need. Remember if you need to get in touch with me you can do this through Google Classroom, Seesaw or Email.
I will be continuing to use Seesaw to keep in touch with you guys by continuing to post good morning messages each day.
There will be activities posted on seesaw this week for you to get involved in, you will be guided to these within the planning! Remember it is also a great way to upload photos of work and to record your voices too. I'm looking forward to seeing your work and hearing your comments like I heard a lot last week!
Mrs Ponting has kindly been reading the book ‘The Twits’ for us to listen to which I will also be posting on Seesaw for you!
My email address is: jamesr375@hwbcymru.net
Week Beginning 11.01.2021
Below you will find the planning and resources you will need for this weeks home learning!
Remember to come here everyday to check for your challenges and then make sure you check Google Classroom and Seesaw for any additional information and challenges.
It was really lovely to see your completed work last week so keep sending it to me using email, Seesaw and Google classroom, remember that on Seesaw you can also send videos and voice recordings!
if you need any help with anything you can email me: jamesr375@hwbcymru.net
Miss James
Happy New Year!
Welcome back everyone, I hope that you have all had a lovely holiday and have all kept safe and well whilst spending quality time with your families. I have put all the resources you need for this week onto the website. If you have any questions please can you email Miss James jamesr375@hwbcymru.net . I look forward to seeing you all very soon.
Mrs Parsons
Friday 18th December
Good Morning guys! below you will find todays planning sheet, open it up to see what activities you have to complete!
I have uploaded some resources below that you can use to support your learning today. As it is Friday it is BIG MATHS day! so I have uploaded your big maths tests onto the Google classroom for you to complete, remember to look for the level you are on.
I have included some RE work for you to do below all about another Jewish festival in our topic for this term!
As it is the last day of term today, I wish you all a great festive season, keep safe and spend lots of quality time with your families!
Miss James
My email address: jamesr375@hwbcymru.net
Thursday 17th December
Good morning everyone, I have added some maths for today. Have a look and try your best! Email me if there are any problems or if you want to show me your work. I will also be posting a video on google classrooms this morning so log on if you can!
Wednesday 16th December 2020
Good morning everyone! Please find below the maths work for today. Any problems email me and I will try to help. If you can try to log onto google classroom today to let me know how you feel. It has been lovely to see your work so email me any work you have completed.
Mrs P
Tuesday 15th December
Good morning everyone I have uploaded a video onto google classroom this morning.
All you need for this is your hwb login. Please go to https://hwb.gov.wales/
The login and go onto google classroom and find our class hopefully it will be there for you!
Any problems let me know.
Week Beginning 14th December
Please find the resources below for this weeks home learning!
Week beginning 7th December
I have added resources below for learning in class this week
Week beginning 23rd November 2020
I have added some resources below to help you with this weeks work in class
Week beginning 9th November 2020
I have added resources below to support your learning in class this week :)
Week beginning 19th October 2020 - In class resources
I have put all the resources below that we will be using in class this week :)