Welcome to Communication Class
Teacher: Miss J Fry AOLe Leader: Languages, Literacy and Communication
Dear Parents,
Every week I will upload a PDF document.
When you click on this you will see a five day plan of learning activities.
Each day there is a Maths and Language activity to complete.
Each week there is one topic activity to complete over the week.
Children's work can be recorded in the work books we provided.
Remember to write the date each day.
All the children will need help to complete the activities.
Please don't feel anxious about the outcomes. The ideas will give you a starting point to
learn with your child. I will try hard to make the learning as clear as possible and base it on
things you can do at home.
The most important thing at this time is that you and your family stay safe and well.
Let me know how you are coping with the activities.
If you have made a rain gauge, a Jasper puppet and theatre or just want to share your wonderful work, send me a photograph!
If you have questions or need to contact Miss Fry. You can email:
Dear Parents, Carers and Children,
I hope you have had a wonderful half term holiday!
This half term all our work will be about The Sea! Have you got any ideas about activtites you would like to do?
Remember to email me every week to let me know you are doing some of the work on this webpage. You can attach photographs of
your work or just let me know about things you would like to explore and do!
Summer Term Week beginning 20.04.20
Dear Parents/Carers,
I hope you are all safe and well.
Uploaded below is the learning plan for the first week of the new Summer Term.
I will also upload an activity onto the Hwb Communication Class Google Classroom.
Dear Parents/ Carers and Children,
Thank you for all your hard work and your messages.
For the weeks beginning the 6th and 13th April it is our Easter Holiday!
I will upload a learning plan at the end of the break.
However, I have made Communication Class a Vegetable Garden that we can all watch grow
and change together.
For your Easter Homework write a list of what I used to make the Vegetable bed, e.g. sticks, soil...
We have planted salad rocket, ruby chard, beetroot, sorrel, dill and salad leaves.
Google these vegetables and herbs. Then draw pictures of them.
Use the photographs, (click on them and you will see a bigger picture!) we can observe how the plants grow and change...
Talk about the changes you notice...
Weekly Spellings
Log on to HWB J2e go to J2blast and click on Spell Blast!
Click on the shark (click here) and go to shared tests. I have shared week 2 spellings with you. Take the test, can you spell the words?
I will update the tests each week, keep practising!
You can also practise the phase 3 words on spell blast if you want to practise more! Go live if you want to play against others!