Home Page

Class 2

Croeso i Dosbarth 2

Welcome to Class 2


Class Teacher:  Mr Darlington

Email Address:


LSA Support: Miss Rankmore
Miss Gallivan (mornings)


Important Reminders



PE Days  

Outdoor PE - Monday

Indoor PE - Thursday

Please can children bring PE kit in a bag on a Monday to change in school and take home Friday.


Healthy Snack

Children need to bring a piece of fruit or vegetables (no nuts) every day to school and a bottle of water.

No squash is allowed as part of the child's snack.




Children should wear school uniform every day to school. Please label your child's uniform.

A coat should be brought everyday.





Homework will be sent home on a Friday and need to be returned on a Monday. 

Some work will be set on seesaw, so inform the teacher if you need another code.

Reading books will also go home on a Friday, please make sure you read with your child and write in their reading diary.




Our Inquiry'
'The choices we make have an impact on those around us'



This term our big idea in our Inquiry is Peace.  By the end of this inquiry, pupils will have developed the skills and knowledge to create a digital guide book about making the right choices 


Please follow us on X @SMTVCardiff for more.
